
Friday, April 1, 2011

The Latest News (and Lack of Updates)

It is April Fools Day but you're not seeing things, the blog has actually been updated with many new clips today. There are many reasons for the lack of updates, like real life being very busy with me rarely having a minute to myself. I also have very few clips cut and ready to post, which means I have to rip a whole load of new ones from DVD, which is very time consuming.

Also, I'll admit I was a little disappointed at many of the comments asking for updates almost on a daily basis in the ChatBox. A spell like this was always going to happen at some point and it would be impossible for me to upload and post new clips everyday. I have a full time job and take part in many activities outside work which take priority before this site. I do enjoy uploading clips here and I enjoy posting scenes from contributors that I didn't know existed. Those posts in the Chatbox made me feel like I HAD to update and it would feel more like a chore than something I enjoy doing in my spare time. My advice when we go days without updates again... have a little patience.

Spare time may be limited for the next week or two (maybe more) so updates from me will be rare, although I'll try to post contributions the first chance I get. I'm willing to listen to suggestions if people want to help keep the site updated on a daily basis - like me adding people to the blog's editor list and giving access to the contributions email to help make the posts. I'm open to suggestions, as it's obvious I won't be able to keep up with everything as much as some would like.


A small note on Youtube clips - If you download scenes from someone's Youtube page and contribute them here, be aware that the original poster of the scene may not want them posted here with someone else's name as credit. Even if you think asking permission might help, do that. We don't want another issue like one of the recent posts on here.  Personally, many clips I have uploaded here have been uploaded by people on their Youtube channels. I don't have an issue with it as I don't own the copyright.

A big thank you to all the contributors again. I haven't had time to reply to all the emails yet, but if it wasn't for Th.Wegmueller, Fish and Chrono, no clips would have been posted today.

The majority opinion seems to be that leaving the site private and ignoring a search feature for the time being would be the best idea. I agree, but  I will continue to look for a search feature that works for blog's not on the Google listings.

I'll update missing actress info this weekend, so if you know an actress in a clip, post in the comments. I will get around to it. I promise!



It's one of my favourites too. It's been downloaded so many times, it's left Southern Belles, Police Interceptors and Meteor trailing behind.

So, that's it. I have a few more clips from Fish to be posted tomorrow when I get time, so until then...

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