
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

abc-Wednesday, Round 6-"K"/Alphabe-Thursday-"K"-"K as in Kindness"

Jenny Matlock

Today is Wednesday (or actually Thursday) and I've decided to combine my posts for "abc-Wednesday Round 6" with Alphabe-Thursday, since a lot is going on right now. My K-word for both memes is KINDNESS.

Nature is sometimes kind,
and lets children only suffer the loss of one baby-tooth at a time.

Yesterday morning (March 31st), Elisabet's first baby-tooth fell out. Here we see a happy and proud Elisabet on her way to pre-school ready to tell the world about her tooth.

And speaking of Kindness, here is what the Tooth-Fairy left Elisabet last night: Twenty-five Swedish Crowns when stuffed into her tooth-box. Now they are kept in her cat-bank.

And here is Elisabet dressed as an Easter-witch. Traditionally children dress like little witches and go around giving away little Easter cards or sweets today, on Maundy Thursday.

This is the one genuinely Swedish tradition that is the closest equivalant to the dressing up and "trick-or-treating"-tradition of Halloween in the English-speaking world.
Yes, I know there are a lot of other, perhaps more interesting and exciting K-words such as "kitchen", "kitten", "knife", "knit", and "knowledge". But "kindness" is a word I wish I could hear more about every day. Please be kind!

First Commenter:Vicki of Vicki's Place

For more K-words on abc-Wednesday, Round 6, please click here.
For more K-words on Mrs. Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday, please click here.

"Guess-the-Name-of-the-Jeweller-Contest" - Hint #4

I think I have a winner. But since I promised 4 hints, I am publishing the fourth and last set of clues now, to give me some time while I prepare my post to announce the winner(s) and tell the whole story later on today.

****Please leave a comment if you think you know the answer. I've decided to offer runners-up-prizes.****
Hint # 4 - Together with his staff, his jewellery company made a unique art object for an important holiday, once each year, starting with 1885 until years later when his company was forced to close. In making these jewellery-objects, he often incorporated ingenious mechanical mechanismens because the object was to have an element of surprise. It took a year to make each object, during which time all information about the object was a well-gaurded secret. Thanks to his ideas and the good working conditions he had, his company's products reached a pinacle of craftsmanship, impossible to ever attain again, because, among other reasons, his technical notes have vanished.
I'll get back with you later today, Wednesday March 31st.
In the mean time,
be happy!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Guess-The-Jeweller-Contest" -- Hint #3

It's Tuesday today and tomorrow is the last day to leave a guess in a comment. Forgive me for not commenting on your comments or answering questions. This third hint is almost like telling exactly who he was. Here it is:

Hint # 3 - He was born in his homeland in 1846, travelled a lot in his life, and died in a foreign country in 1920.

I have tried to fill my store "parltradet" with renewed items, but am going to allow the winner to even pick a yet unlisted item that I have written a post about on this blog.
Good luck!

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Guess-the-Jeweller-Contest"--More hints! #1&2

What's the name of the jeweller? For details about the contest you can even see the first post about it. Please click here.

Time flies. I should name a winner on Wednesday and I don't see one yet. I may have made this contest too difficult, because my green pendant does not look like a typical item from this brand of jewellery. I am leaving two hints a day until it is time to close the contest. Here is the first one:

Hint # 1 - This was a family enterprise. His father was also a jeweller and founded the company that he and his brother worked to make world famous. Even though he employed the hand-picked talents of other craftsmen and did not work alone, it was still his ideas, inventiveness and leadership that raised the standard of quality for their products.

I'll leave another hint later today!
Alright, it time for the next clue:

Hint # 2 - His most important patrons were heads of state, royalty and the newly rich.

Happy Monday!

First Commenter: Brenda of Split Rock Ranch

Saturday, March 27, 2010

This Week with Entrecard: Thanks to blogging Friends

Please visit these fine sites that have been on my widget this past week (March 22-28):

Monday March 22th Yummy-as-can-be

Tuesday March 23rd - Take a Coffee Break

Wednesday March 24th - This is my blog

Thursday March 25th - Jean's Musings

Friday March 26th - Coming Back to Life

Saturday March 27th - Cat Lover's Site

Sunday March 28th - East Coast Life

Thank you for advertising
with me on my EC-widget
this past week.
Best wishes,


First Commenter: East Coast Life

Don't forget to enter my contest "Guess-the-name-of-the-jeweller" before Wednesday March 31st. You can win a ten-dollar discount on any piece of jewellery in my Etsy-shops. If you have already left a comment, but would like to guess again, it's alright to leave another comment. For details please click here.

HEROES 4° SERIE (Link Megaupload)

4x01: Orientamento
4x02: Salta,Spingi,Cadi
4x03: Inchiostro  
4x04: Accettazione 
4x05: Cecità Isterica
4x06: Tabula Rasa
4x07: Strani Attrattori  
4x08: C'Era Una Volta In Texas 
4x09: Combattimento A Vuoto
4x10: Guardiano Di Mio Fratello  
4x11: Ringraziamento
4x12: La Quinta Fase  
4x13: Su Questa Pietra
4x14: Lascia Che Sanguini  
4x15: Accanto A Te
4x16: Promosso Bocciato  
4x17: L'Arte Dell'Inganno
4x18: Il Muro  
4x19: Il Mondo Nuovo

HEROES 4° SERIE (Megavideo)

4x01: Orientamento
4x02: Salta,Spingi,Cadi 
4x03: Inchiostro 
4x04: Accettazione
4x05: Cecità Isterica 
4x06: Tabula Rasa
4x07: Strani Attrattori 
4x08: C'Era Una Volta In Texas
4x09: Combattimento A Vuoto  
4x10: Guardiano Di Mio Fratello
4x11: Ringraziamento  
4x12: La Quinta Fase 
4x13: Su Questa Pietra
4x14: Lascia Che Sanguini  
4x15: Accanto A Te
4x16: Promosso Bocciato  
4x17: L'Arte Dell'Inganno
4x18: Il Muro  
4x19: Il Mondo Nuovo


4x01: Orientamento
4x02: Salta,Spingi,Cadi 
4x03: Inchiostro 
4x04: Accettazione
4x05: Cecità Isterica  
4x06: Tabula Rasa
4x07: Strani Attrattori 
4x08: C'Era Una Volta In Texas
4x09: Combattimento A Vuoto 
4x10: Guardiano Di Mio Fratello
4x11: Ringraziamento  
4x12: La Quinta Fase
4x13: Su Questa Pietra  
4x14: Lascia Che Sanguini
4x15: Accanto A Te
4x16: Promosso Bocciato  
4x17: L'Arte Dell'Inganno
4x18: Il Muro  
4x19: Il Mondo Nuovo

Friday, March 26, 2010

PhotoHunt Theme #206: "Fresh" - flower-picking

This week's PhotoHunt-Theme #206 is "Fresh".

What could be fresher than the first spring garden-flowers picked (without permission) by the children, Elisabet and Erik, yesterday, Friday the 26th of March?

Happy Weekend!

First Commenter: Sparkle the Designer Cat

Fluffy Friday #17 - Calle Cat's two best humans

For Fluffy Friday # 17 Calle Cat would like to introduce two of his best human friends:

"This is Torbjorn, the two-legged person who saved my life when I was just a couple of weeks old, left to die in a root celler, when my mother never returned to fetch me and my sisters. Torbjorn heard my screams and yowls, and removed some of the roof-tiles to dig me out and rescue me. We have been very close ever since."

"And here is his son, Erik, who is also my dear friend."

Happy Fuffy Friday!

First Commenter: Ann of Ann's Snap Edit & Scrap

Share your fluffy friends with us every Friday! Whether it's a favourite stuffed toy or an adorable pet - basically anything fluffy, we'd love to see your pictures & stories! Leave ONLY the POST URL here and grab the Fluffy Friday badge at Meow Diaries. Any unrelated links will be deleted.

LIE TO ME 2° SERIE (Link Megaupload)

2x01: Personalità Multipla
2x02: Bugie E Conseguenze
2x03: Rivalità
2x04: La Prova Più Difficile 
2x05: Scambio Di Favori
2x06: L'Infiltrato
2x07: Venerdi Nero
2x08: Il Tradimento   
2x09: Il Poker Assassino
2x10: Duplice Attentato
2x11: Battere Il Diavolo 
2x12: Sette Anni Dopo
2x13: Tutta La Verità
2x14: Vittime Di Guerra
2x15: Una Testimonianza Difficile  
2x16: Questioni Di Famiglia
2x17: Balzo Nei Sondaggi  
2x18: Il Sospetto
2x19: Il Pifferaio Magico
2x20: Smascherato 
2x21: Tenebre E Luce
2x22: Bianco E Nero

LIE TO ME 2° SERIE (Megavideo)

2x01: Personalità Multipla
2x02: Bugie E Conseguenze 
2x03: Rivalità 
2x04: La Prova Più Difficile
2x05: Scambio Di Favori
2x06: L'Infiltrato
2x07: Venerdi Nero
2x08: Il Tradimento  
2x09: Il Poker Assassino
2x10: Duplice Attentato
2x11: Battere Il Diavolo
2x12: Sette Anni Dopo
2x13: Tutta La Verità   
2x14: Vittime Di Guerra
2x15: Una Testimonianza Difficile  
2x16: Questioni Di Famiglia 
2x17: Balzo Nei Sondaggi 
2x18: Il Sospetto 
2x19: Il Pifferaio Magico 
2x20: Smascherato 
2x21: Tenebre E Luce
2x22: Bianco E Nero  


2x01: Personalità Multipla
2x02: Bugie E Conseguenze 
2x03: Rivalità 
2x04: La Prova Più Difficile
2x05: Scambio Di Favori 
2x06: L'Infiltrato
2x07: Venerdi Nero
2x08: Il Tradimento
2x09: Il Poker Assassino
2x10: Duplice Attentato  
2x11: Battere Il Diavolo
2x12: Sette Anni Dopo
2x13: Tutta La Verità   
2x14: Vittime Di Guerra 
2x15: Una Testimonianza Difficile 
2x16: Questioni Di Famiglia 
2x17: Balzo Nei Sondaggi 
2x18: Il Sospetto
2x19: Il Pifferaio Magico 
2x20: Smascherato 
2x21: Tenebre E Luce
2x22: Bianco E Nero  

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Alphabe-Thursday - "J" - "J as in jewellery-making

Jenny Matlock

It's thursday today, and this week's letter for Mrs. Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday is "J". My "J-word" is "jewellery" or "The joy of jewellery-making" (Which is also the tagline for my blog):

Here is Elisabet stringing beads on elastic beading-cord to make her own necklace.

Here we see a beadboard,

where Elisabet has planned her colour-scheme for her necklace.

Every beader starts out with an idea for their piece.
It is happy work.

But beading can be tiring if you are only five years old.

Luckily Mother can finish the necklace for her.

And let her take a rest.

Happy Alphabe-Thursday!
First Commenter: Vickis Place

For more Alphbe-Thursday-participants, please click here.

Take a look at my J-word-post for abc-Wednesday and try your luck in my contest by
clicking here.


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