
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

N is for New Necklace! Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday-Round 7- N

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

Today is Wednesday and I am linking to Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's fun meme ABC-Wednesday, Round 7. This week we are exploring words that begin with the letter N. Not surprising, I have chosen an N-word related to my page's main theme, Jewellery. My N-word is Necklace!

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

I would like to show a brand new unlisted necklace that I made yesterday. It is inspired by the changes in colour elderberries go through after the white flowers wilt and the green elderberries ripen to dark blueish-purple.

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

Here are the lacy white blossoms that can be used to make a lemony-sweet summer drink.

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

And here we see the clusters of berries that appear after the tiny white flowers are gone.

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

The green berries look almost like green beads.

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

So it is not hard to imagine making a necklace with beads that look like this:

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

And after some weeks the colours change from green to dark purple, almost black.

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

As you see, even the stems also change from green to a reddish-purple shade.

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

You can drink the juice from these berries, or make pancakes from the blossoms if you think of it earlier in the beginning of July. Here is my daughter, Elisabet holding a cluster of elderberry flowers.

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

Thank you for visiting!
Best wishes,
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Mar of

To visit other posts about the letter N, please go to ABC-Wednesday, Round 7-N, here.
If you haven't visited Sara Cat's M-post from last week, please click here.

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