This is my SC- text for week 39.
(To read Mrs.Jenny Matlock's instructions, please scroll down past my text!)
She sat alone by the window thinking about her granddaughter,
who seldom came to call: 'The time for youth seems to last forever, while you're in it. As a child, I saw far into a future of a life well-spent. But looking back, it seems so short.
Mementos from the past are all that remain.' She lifted the stack of letters from the ancient chest, but hearing a knock at the door, she put them down again.
'Come in,' she said.
'Hi, Grandma! ' said a young woman stepping into the room.
'Lovely to see you,' said the older woman smiling, 'I have something to show you'.
Wordcount according to WordCalc: 101 (I'm sorry. I have recounted and cannot get it under 100 words.) I did it!I changed 'When I was young' to 'As a child' and got it down to 100 words!
Best wishes,
First Commenter:
Terra of
Sitting on an Oak

To read more Saturday Centus texts, please visit Mrs. Jennt Matlock's site Off My Tangent by clicking on the image below:
Welcome to week thirty-nine of Saturday Centus.
OK, I'm going to be nice this week. Actually, I should say that Judie is going to be nice this week. Yup, you can't be irritated at me this week at all, because Miss Judie, from Rogue Artists Speak, wrote the prompt...and you don't have to do Sci-fi AND you get your full 100 words (plus the prompt)! Write in any genre in any style you wish...fiction, non-fiction, poetry or even sci-fi! The prompt is: "She lifted the stack of letters from the ancient chest..." Thanks, Judie. This is going to be a fun one to work with! You have the entire week to link your work to the meme and you can link more than one story if you like. Please try mightily to visit all the other weeks. Please display link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog. Please e-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Link anytime between now and next Saturday morning.
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