
Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I've had a few emails about this subject, I'm sure everybody is aware of what's going on over there right now. It was hard watching the video footage of a full town looking very much like a wasteland due to the tsunami and the fact that there are still thousands of people missing and feared dead.

I will post a quote from one of the emails I recieved.

"I would like to propose one day without updates with a message of support to the Japanese people. It's a great tragedy and, besides, bondage seems to be integral part of Japanese culture and sexuality."

I always listen to everyone's suggestions so that's what we'll do. No updates today.

Also, there are many ways to donate to the relief effort in Japan, even on social network sites like Twitter and Facebook. It's easy to do and only takes seconds. Every little bit helps.

Until tomorrow...

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