
Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Search

Everyone seems to agree that is is best keeping the blog private without a search feature than making it public on the Google listings with a working search feature. I agree, but there is still a way to search through the many posts on here to find what you're looking for (until I sort something easier out in the future).

Many will already know this, but for the people who don't...

1. On the right hand side, click on the small icon next to the months (JANUARY, FEBRUARY etc.) It will expand the page and list all the posts for those months. Do it for every month, even last years.

2. Now, the right hand side should list every single post. Don't worry, you don't need to read through them all. Use the FIND or SEARCH button on your internet browser. For me (Internet explorer) I use CTRL and F to bring up the FIND box. FireFox and other browsers will be different so check up on how to do this.

3. Type in the keyword you are looking for. Name of movie/series, or actress. Click FIND and it should search through all the post titles for you . Easy!

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