
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Latest News (FEB 2011)

As many of you might have noticed over the past few days, my contributions have cut down to one clip per day. The reason - I've ran out of clips on my harddrive which means I need to hunt for more... and I do have more. I've decided that it would be better if I only post one per day for now until I rip some more as then you are all definitely getting an update every day. Other contributions will obviously be posted on top of this within 24 hours, like today's update.

I know of at least 2 other contributors who have the same problem as me so while we hunt through all the old DVDs and VHS tapes and get those scenes, all other contributions are welcome and will keep the blog lively over the next few weeks.  I'm grateful for each and every one of them.

Please don't hate me if I haven't replied to your email(s)... I've been really busy the past two weeks and I've only had time to update the site and little else. If you've sent in requests, I've noted them and will try to find them. 

Search function AHHHH!!! I think I'll need to bite the bullet and place the blog on the public Google listings so I can get the search function working. It seems like it's the only way it will work but it could bring problems down the line as obviously outsiders could find their way here. Maybe I worry too much... either way, I'd like some feedback on this as I need to get something sorted due to the amount of clips we have now.

You might notice a lot of posts with unknown titles or actresses. As always, if you know the information, you can post in the comments section ( you DON'T need to be registered to do this) or in the ChatBox. I will update the information as soon as I find the spare time.

I've had a lot of emails about the reality shows issue. Just to clarify, clips with TV presenters or such are allowed, just nothing which features REAL arrests (Cops, Party Heat etc). I know some people are saying the shows are staged and on shows like Cops, the girls have to sign a release so the show can air and such. The problem is that there is no way for me to prove that. I don't want the blog to be taken offline. I understand a lot of the frustrations as Party Heat clips were amongst the most downloaded on the blog.

The most downloaded clip this month?

The Champagne Gang uploaded by VH CARIOCA.

I have a better quality version of this clip and it's on the way soon for those who want it.

I think I've covered everything... Until next month! Remember, any questions, just email me at

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