
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

J is for Jewellery - Mrs. Denise Nebitt's ABC-Wednesday - J

Today is Wednesday and time to link with Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday. This week's letter i 'J'. My J - word is 'JEWELLERY', not too surprising, since that is the main theme of this blog. Here is my feeble hand at poetry (or 'porridge-poetry' ='grötrim').

'J is for Jewellery'

J is for Jewellery, the main subject of my page,

It is most often used by women, of almost any age,
Comes in any colour, shape or size for your needs,
Made to please the wearer, even though it's only beads.

Jewellery-making calms my nerves and removes my fear,
So soothing is the stringing of beads for neck, arm or ear,
I like making objects with which you can adorn,
Small works of art, that also can be worn.


Thank you for visiting.
Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Cezar and Léia of
Bonjour Luxenbourg

To see more posts with J-words, please visit ABC-Wednesday, Round 7 here.

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