
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

F is for Ferrets etc - Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday, Round 7 - F

'F' is for Ferrets and other fine things

'F' is for ferrets, foxes and ferns,
Forests with fir-trees, and forgiving concerns.

'F' is for Finland and football and fire,
Fiction and fable and all you desire.

'F' is for fairness and fondness and fame,
Finches and feathers on any fowl you name.

'F' is for someone upon whom you can depend,
My most favourite 'F'-word, is, of course, 'Friend'.

Best wishes

First Commenter: Ann of Ann's Snap Edit & Scrap

To visit more ABC-Wednesday, round 7- F-posts, please visit this site.

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