
Saturday, March 27, 2010

This Week with Entrecard: Thanks to blogging Friends

Please visit these fine sites that have been on my widget this past week (March 22-28):

Monday March 22th Yummy-as-can-be

Tuesday March 23rd - Take a Coffee Break

Wednesday March 24th - This is my blog

Thursday March 25th - Jean's Musings

Friday March 26th - Coming Back to Life

Saturday March 27th - Cat Lover's Site

Sunday March 28th - East Coast Life

Thank you for advertising
with me on my EC-widget
this past week.
Best wishes,


First Commenter: East Coast Life

Don't forget to enter my contest "Guess-the-name-of-the-jeweller" before Wednesday March 31st. You can win a ten-dollar discount on any piece of jewellery in my Etsy-shops. If you have already left a comment, but would like to guess again, it's alright to leave another comment. For details please click here.

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