
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thanks to January's top droppers / My modem is finally in working order!

I had no way of blogging around the end of January and the beginning of February. My modem was still in the shop, and I had no time to spend blogging at the library. So I would like to thank my top droppers for the last 31 days from today, Saturday February 6th. Thank you for visiting and dropping inspite of me not posting anything worth reading. I finally got my modem back today.
I have lots of things to write about and even new jewellery to show. So please do continue to visit!
Best wishes,

Dropper # of drops
DigiVickie's Word Art 31
Ruth's Creations 31
Here Anything Goes 31
CAP News 31
My gypsygoods 31
Sparkle 30
I Empower Myself 30
A Rose By Name 30
Art Shout 29
Behind the Bit 29

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