
Monday, October 31, 2011

Tina/parltradet has curated a new Etsy treasury: Let it snow!

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

'RNSANE' / Carmen HenesyLink

Carmen's Chronicles

(Subbed) Blue Rose Will Be Sold In 2009 / (omake) ROSE ...

(Subbed) Blue Rose will be sold in 2009 / (omake) ROSE ...

(Subbed) Blue Rose will be sold in 2009 / (omake) ROSE ...We'll be able to get Blue Rose next year (JAPAN)

TERRANOVA 1° SERIE (Megavideo)

1x01_1x02: Genesis
1x03: Istinto
1x04: Il Virus
1x05: La Fuggitiva 
1x06: La Nostra Legge
1x07: Blackout
1x08: L'Accordo
1x09: Sospetto 
1x10: La Traccia 
1x11: Ritorno Al Futuro 
1x12: Occupazione
1x13: Resistenza

TERRANOVA 1° SERIE (Link Megaupload)

1x01_1x02: Genesis
1x03: Istinto
1x04: Il Virus
1x05: La Fuggitiva
1x06: La Nostra Legge
1x07: Blackout
1x08: L'Accordo  
1x09: Sospetto
1x10: La Traccia 
1x11: Ritorno Al Futuro 
1x12: Occupazione
1x13: Resistenza 


1x01_1x02: Genesis
1x03: Istinto
1x04: Il Virus
1x05: La Fuggitiva 
1x06: La Nostra Legge
1x07: Blackout
1x08: L'Accordo
1x09: Sospetto
1x10: La Traccia 
1x11: Ritorno Al Futuro  
1x12: Occupazione
1x13: Resistenza

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tina/parltradet is featured in an Etsy treasury by Knme

This purple bracelet is included in Knme's treasury:

And here is a sample of a scarf from Knme' own shop:

Best wishes,

Spectacular - Blue Rose

Spectacular - Blue Rose

Spectacular - Blue RoseSpeculator is one-man act by Nick Ray (San Francisco) Track#11 off album 'Nice' (Aug 2011 via Underwater Peoples) indiemusik ...

Tina/parltradet has curated a new Etsy treasury: Gold and Silver

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tina/parltradet has curated a new Etsy treasury: Blush, Pink and Peach

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Rose Clearfield


The Beads and Buttons of Random Creative'

Check out Rose Clearfield's treasury-round-up, here. It's a beautiful post! She has a very nice way of saying thanks!

Here are a couple of typical items from Rose's shop, randomcreative, a lovely leaf-beaded bracelet draped over sheet music and pink mother-of-pearl ring-earrings to match the bracelet that I have featured in this treasury:

Click on each photo to learm more about them:

K- GOD48!!!

K- GOD48!!!

K- GOD48!!!

A Study in Black - Lovisa's New Clothes -Mrs. Jenny Matlock's - Saturday Centus - Week 78

Jenny Matlock

Welcome to Saturday Centus, Mrs. Jenny Matlock's writing challenge where participants write a PG-rated text with a given prompt using not more than 25 words this week. The prompt is the above picture that Mrs. Jenny calls 'A Study in Black'.

This is week 78 and here
are Mrs. Matlock's instructions:

WORD COUNT - Not to exceed 25 words. Yes, that is correct. 2. 5. Twenty-five. XXV.
- Sorry Mrs. Matlock, but I can't do it this way!
Here is my text:

Louisa wanted a witch-costume. A black hat, wig and dress were purchased and donned. This surprised the cats greatly, who were themselves dressed in black.

Text & Photo Copyright 2011 Christina Wigren

Text & Photo Copyright 2011 Christina Wigren

Text & Photo Copyright 2011 Christina Wigren
Wordcount according to WordCalc: 25


Best wishes,

There are pictures to this story. (And now I've added them!) If you would like to see some of them, I will go against Mrs. Jenny's orders and publish them. Just say the word in a comment. Lovisa's real name is Elisabet, my daughter.

First Commenter:
Sue's News, Views 'n Muse

To read other SC-posts for Week 77 please go to this site or click on the image below:

Jenny MatlockLink

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tina/parltradet has curated a new Etsy treasury: White for an important date

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Tina/parltradet has curated a new Etsy treasury: Autumn yellows and blacks

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Haunting - Romantic Friday Writers Challenge No. 25 - 28th of October 2011

Welcome to the Romantic Friday Writing Challenge, started and hosted by L'Aussie Denise and Francine Howarth, where participants share their own 300-400-word text on a given theme. This week's theme for Friday, 21st October, Challenge No. 25, is 'Haunting'. My text is written directly for this REW-challenge.

Here is my text :


It was a dark and stormy night and Drucilla thought she was alone in the farm-kitchen. Thunder and lightning made Drucilla nervous. With ears geared to hearing the soft heartbeat of tiny rodents, Drucilla didn't like loud noises. The two-leggeds had taken off for some unknown destination, to which Drucilla was not invited.

It started to rain heavily, as Drucilla was having her evening meal in the in a corner of the kitchen. It was dark, but she had good night vision. As she looked across the kitchen floor, she thought she spied a pair of eyes; shining, glowing cat's eyes suspended in the air. She looked away and slowly closed her eyes. If I ignore it, it might go away, she thought as she went to sit in her basket. She curled her tail around her body and only opened one eye, ever so slightly, as to not reveal her interest in the vapourous cat-eyes. In minutes the vision of the eyes had grown into a whole cat-face hovering some inches above the floor. It was a kind face; a happy face; it was the face of a cat who used to live there.

'Meow!' said the face, meaning: 'Hello my pretty! Who are you? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Che-'

'"Cheshire"', Drucilla broke in knowingly. 'Am I right? I recognise you from when I was a kitten.'

Now the strange cat's entire figure came to light.
A magnificent tom, she thought, whatever his name is.

'No, Chester, actually. My name is Chester, and yes, I used to live here.'

'I'm Drucilla,' said Drucilla
washing a front paw and nervously wiping her face. The visiting cat's bodily form had now materialised completely and Chester was or had been a beautiful red tabby tom, with soft yellow eyes, the same colour as his coat. He smiled a sweet cat-smile.

'Chester', Drucilla inquired hestitantly' Are you normal?'

'Oh my dear Drucilla, no. Alas, not anymore. I've changed form.'

'Oh', said Drucilla puzzled and embarrassed. She liked him, but his entrance was odd. Most cats go through the cat-door or are let in by two-leggeds.

'Must we speak of it, my darling?'mewed Chester softly.

'No, my sweet, come sit with me instead.'

Chester and Drucilla curled up in each other's furry embrace, purring as they fell asleep.

[Text copyright 2011 Christina Wigren]

Word count according to WordCalc: 399; FCA; Full Critique Acceptable. Write whatever you like. Constructive criticism is always welcome! Don't be shy. Say what's on your mind!

Best wishes,

Later when the family came home and found Drucilla, the cat, alone and asleep with her paws up in the air in her basket, Lucinda, asked her older sister, 'Have you ever seen a ghost?'
'No, replied Jane, but I think Drucilla has.'

This story is purely fictional. There are nods to Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass as well as to Beatrix Potter's A Tale of Two Bad Mice. And here
is where you can read about the opening phrase 'It was a dark and stormy night'.

First Commenter:
L'Aussie's Writing Blog

To read other texts for Romantic Friday Writers Challenge No. 25, with the theme 'Haunting', please visit this site or click on the image below:


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