
Friday, September 30, 2011

Rookie Of The Year - "Blue Roses"

Rookie Of The Year - "Blue Roses"

Rookie Of The Year - Rookie Of The Year preforming Blue Roses on the Glitz and Glamour Tour date in Minnesota

GREY'S ANATOMY 8° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Megavideo)

8x01_8x02: Free Falling_She's Gone
8x03: Take The Lead
8x04: What Is It About Men 
8x05: Love, Loss And Legacy 
8x06: Poker Face
8x07: Put Me In Coach
8x08: Heart-Shaped Box 
8x09: Dark Was The Night 
8x10: Suddenly

GREY'S ANATOMY 8° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Link Megaupload)

8x01_8x02: Free Falling_She's Gone
8x03: Take The Lead 
8x04: What Is It About Men
8x05: Love, Loss And Legacy
8x06: Poker Face
8x07: Put Me In Coach
8x08: Heart-Shaped Box
8x09: Dark Was The Night 
8x10: Suddenly 


8x01_8x02: Free Falling_She's Gone
8x03: Take The Lead
8x04: What Is It About Men
8x05: Love, Loss And Legacy  
8x06: Poker Face
8x07: Put Me In Coach
8x08: Heart-Shaped Box
8x09: Dark Was The Night 
8x10: Suddenly   
8x11: This Magic Moment
8x12: Hope For The Hopeless
8x13: If Then
8x14: All You Need Is Love
8x15: Have You Seen Me Lately
8x16: If Only You Were Lonely  
8x17: One Step Too Far
8x18: The Lion Sleeps Tonight  
8x19: Support System
8x20: The Girl With No Name 
8x21: Moment Of Truth  
8x22: Let The Bad Times Roll 
8x23: Migration

FRINGE 4° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Megavideo)

4x01: Neither Here Nor There
4x02: One Night In October 
4x03: Alone In The World
4x04: Subject 9
4x05: Novation 
4x06: And Those We've Left Behind
4x07: Wallflower 

FRINGE 4° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Link Megaupload)

4x01: Neither Here Nor There
4x02: One Night In October 
4x03: Alone In The World
4x04: Subject 9
4x05: Novation
4x06: And Those We've Left Behind  
4x07: Wallflower


4x01: Neither Here Nor There
4x02: One Night In October
4x03: Alone In The World
4x04: Subject 9  
4x05: Novation
4x06: And Those We've Left Behind  
4x07: Wallflower
4x08: Back To Where You're Never Been  
4x09: Enemy Of My Enemy
4x10: Forced Perspective  
4x11: Making Angels 
4x12: Welcome To Westfield 
4x13: A Better Human Being  
4x14: The End Of All Things 
4x15: A Short Story About Love  
4x16: Nothing As It Seems
4x17: Everything In Its Right Place  
4x18: The Consultant 
4x19: Letters Of Transit 
4x20: Words Apart 
4x21: Brave New World (Part 1)
4x22: Brave New World (Part 2)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Seagram's Imperial Blue Rose

Seagram's Imperial Blue Rose

Seagram's Imperial Blue RoseClient: Seagram, Brand: Imperial Blue, Agency: O&M/New Delhi, Production House: Corcoise

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fearful Heart - Romantic Friday Writers Challenge No. 21 - TWO TEXTS!!!

Welcome to the Romantic Friday Writing Challenge, where participants share their own 300-400-word text on a given theme. This week's theme for Friday, 30th September, Challenge No. 21, is 'Fearful Heart'.

Here is my text: [I've added an extra Sanna-&-Tomas-text! Scroll down past this first text about Eva.] This is the first text:


'Hi, I'm on my way home.'

'Please come soon. Tommy misses you.'

'Alright. Kiss Tommy for me.' Eva put her phone in her back pants pocket. It was dark. She had been out with girlfriends and wanted to get home.

Should I take the short-cut through the park? she wondered, but didn't have time to think more about it, because she was grabbed from behind and pulled her off her bike. Her hands were
tied behind her back. She was then blindfolded, before she could see her assailant.

'Hey, what's this all about?' said Eva, trying not to show fear. But she was fearful for her life.

'You're coming with me,' muttered a male voice.

A luney. I need to get away, thought Eva, as he picked her up and dumped her into what seemed to be the boot of a car. The floor was hard, damp and smelled of petrol and filth. Hearing the boot slam shut and then the sound of the engine, she checked to see if her phone was still there. Yes!

She pulled the phone from her back-pocket with her fingers behnd her back and pressed the emergency-number. Then she rolled over and
held her face near the microphone.

'Emergency services, how may I help you!'

'Police', she whispered, 'I need the Police.'

'What has happened and from where are you calling?'

She told the dispatcher the location of the abduction. 'But I don't know where I am now.'

The dispatcher asked for her name, address and next of kin.

'We are tracing your phone now. Please keep the phone on. Are you able to speak up so that we can hear you better? '

'No, and I'm afraid to talk louder than this. He might hear me. Oh no, the car is stopping.'

'Hang on, I think we know where you are.'

'Please hurry', she whispered as she rolled over again and stuffed the phone back in her pocket. Suddenly the boot flew open and someone was pulling her out.

'Get on your feet.' orderd a harsh voice. She seemed to be lead up some steps and into a house.

She thought about the sweet smell of her baby son and the warmth of her husband's embrace, as she was pushed along.
Dear God, let me see my baby and husband again!
[Text Copyright 2011 Christina Wigren]

Word count according to WordCalc: 399; FCA (Full Critique Acceptable - Write whatever you like. Constructive criticism is always welcome.)


And here is an extra text, a prequel of Sanna's & Tomas' romantic story:

It was a group photograph with, if not all, at least twenty-two of the teachers at Sanna's daughter's school, taken on a nice autumn day, about a year ago. The photographer had arranged them in three rows, with ten teachers standing in the back row, eight sitting in front of these, and then four teachers sitting in the grass in front of them. Everyone looked happy.

Sanna found readily the image of Tomas far to the right in the back row. He looked especially handsome, smiling with his left hand resting on Katinka's shoulder, the female gym-teacher who sat in front of him. It looked like they really liked each other, and this could have been a source of jealousy for Sanna, but she suspected that it was simply the photographer's way of composing a picture, as Malte, the tall male gym-teacher, also rested his hand on the shoulder of the lady in front of him.

Sanna stod in the stairway hall of the school where this photo was hanging for anyone to see. She was facing the wall with the photo and had her back to the stairs. What if Tomas came bounding down the stairs and hugged her from behind? Or what if he put his hands over her eyes and asked 'Guess who?' But he would not do that at school. Or would he do that at all, anywhere? Sanna did not know enough about him other than that he was a teacher at her children's school. It worried her that she may have invested emotional energy in a man who was impossible to reach. He was most likely already married to the woman of his dreams. He seemed too happy, too harmonious, too sure of himself. In short, he seemed to be a man who already was loved. What Sanna saw, was perhaps how she wished that a man would look like, act like, because of her. But the sad fact of the matter was that he was probably happy because of someone else.

Sanna heard footsteps behind her and turned around to see who it was. It was Tomas bounding down the stairs. He looked at her, smiled, said 'Hello', and continued walking past her toward the headmaster's office.

Sanna went home with a fearful heart. She was not ready to stop hopping to be loved or liked by Tomas; but it seemed unlikely.

[Text Copyright 2011 Christina Wigren]
Word count according to WordCalc: 400; FCA (Write whatever you like; Constructive criticsm is always welcome.)
Best wishes,

These two texts are both fictional.

The first text is fictional, but is based in part on events that have actually happened.

I know that this first story may be criticised for not having enough 'romance' in it. The heroine, Eva, does indeed have romance in her life, with her family, but someone is trying to remove her from everything that she loves. The threat of loss makes her family more dear to her. This is a study of fear. I have two sources of inspiration:

One is a real-life story from 'The FBI files' about a serial killer who murdered about a dozen women, except for this one teen-aged girl, whom he let go because she never saw his face. She also had the presense of mind to keep him talking and to play along with him convincingly. She was blindfolded the whole time and satt in the seat next to the driver's seat, so she couldn't have used a mobil phone, even if she had had one. What she did do to help the police find the killer was to memorise the number of stops and turns from where she had been taken. They could pin-point his home geographically. She spend several hours with this man before he finally let her go. While there in his home, she asked to use the toilet and behind the locked door, she left her fingerprints everywhere, in case she would not survive. She made certain that there was enough evidence to prove that she had been there.

Most people don't survive when a serial killer captures them like this. This is the exception to the rule. The other victims were all prostitutes. This girl was not; she was just an ordinary innocent girl. She later made her career in some branch of law enforcement.

The second source of inspiration is from a newspaper article about a young mother in Sweden who had been out one evening celebrating something with several girlfriends before riding her bike home to her husband and young children. She stopped riding a moment to call home on her mobil phone. At that moment, she was stabbed to death by a young foreign man who just happened to walk past. He took his anger out on the first person he saw. They did not know each other.

The idea of calling the police from a mobil phone while you lay bound in the boot of a car is my own take on this horrible scenario. It would not work if you are gagged. People who wind up in the boots of cars are often no longer alive. I want my heroine to survive.


Text number two is a prequel to my suite about Sanna and Tomas who are completely made up characters.

First Commenter:

Madeleine Maddocks

Scribble and Edit

To read more texts for 'Fearful Heart', Romantic Friday Writers Challenge No. 21, Friday 30th September, please go to this site or click on the image below:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blue Roses Falling-Jake Shimabukuro-Special Story Attached

Blue Roses Falling-Jake Shimabukuro-Special Story Attached

Blue Roses Falling-Jake Shimabukuro-Special Story AttachedGod Told Me To Play The Ukulele! I am just slightly more than a beginner uke player. My father played the old folks songs like" Tom Dooley" and ...

DR. HOUSE 8° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Megavideo)

8x01: Twenty Vicodin Preair
8x02: Transplant
8x03: Charity Case
8x04: Risky Business 
8x05: The Confession 
8x06: Parents 
8x07: Dead & Buried
8x08: Perils Of Paranoia 

DR. HOUSE 8° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Link Megaupload)

8x01: Twenty Vicodin Preair
8x02: Transplant
8x03: Charity Case
8x04: Risky Business
8x05: The Confession  
8x06: Parents 
8x07: Dead & Buried 
8x08: Perils Of Paranoia

DR. HOUSE 8° SERIE (Sub Ita)

8x01: Twenty Vicodin Preair
8x02: Transplant
8x03: Charity Case
8x04: Risky Business
8x05: The Confession  
8x06: Parents
8x07: Dead & Buried  
8x08: Perils Of Paranoia 
8x09: Better Half 
8x10: Runaways 
8x11: Nobody's Fault
8x12: Chase 
8x13: Man Of The House  
8x14: Love Is Blind 
8x15: Blowing The Whistle
8x16: Gut Check  
8x17: We Need The Eggs 
8x18: Body & Soul 
8x19: The C-Word 
8x20: Post Mortem

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bright Blue Rose

Bright Blue Rose

Bright Blue RoseMary Black is a fantastic singer, anyone who likes mary black will know what a great voice she has. if anyone knows what the song is about let us ...

Anna's red heart earrings are in a RedTeam-Etsy-treasury!

This is a RedTeam treasury!

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Ann Thompson

Ann's Snap, Edit & Scrap

and here is Duke, Ann's blogging-dog:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

DEXTER 6° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Megavideo)

6x01: Those Kinds Of Things
6x02: Once Upon A Time
6x03: Smokey And The Bandit
6x04: A Horse Of A Different Color 
6x05: The Angel Of Death 
6x06: Blind Spot 
6x07: Nebraska 
6x08: Sins Of Omission 
6x09: Get Geller 
6x10: Ricochet Rabbit 
6x11: Talk To The Hand 
6x12: This Is The Way The World Ends

DEXTER 6° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Link Megaupload)

6x01: Those Kinds Of Things
6x02: Once Upon A Time
6x03: Smokey And The Bandit
6x04: A Horse Of A Different Color
6x05: The Angel Of Death  
6x06: Blind Spot
6x07: Nebraska  
6x08: Sins Of Omission 
6x09: Get Geller 
6x10: Ricochet Rabbit 
6x11: Talk To The Hand
6x12: This Is The Way The World Ends 


6x01: Those Kinds Of Things
6x02: Once Upon A Time
6x03: Smokey And The Bandit
6x04: A Horse Of A Different Color
6x05: The Angel Of Death 
6x06: Blind Spot
6x07: Nebraska  
6x08: Sins Of Omission 
6x09: Get Geller 
6x10: Ricochet Rabbit 
6x11: Talk To The Hand
6x12: This Is The Way The World Ends 

90210 4° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Megavideo)

4x01: Up In Smoke
4x02: Rush It Our
4x03: Greek Tragedy
4x04: Let The Games Begin
4x05: Party Politics 
4x06: Benefit Of The Doubt
4x07: It's The Great Masquerade,Naomi Clark 
4x08: Vegas,Maybe
4x09: A Thousand Words 
4x10: Smoked Turkey
4x11: Project Runaway  
4x12: O Holly Night

90210 4° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Link Megaupload)

4x01: Up In Smoke
4x02: Rush It Our
4x03: Greek Tragedy
4x04: Let The Games Begin
4x05: Party Politics
4x06: Benefit Of The Doubt
4x07: It's The Great Masquerade,Naomi Clark 
4x08: Vegas, Maybe
4x09: A Thousand Words 
4x10: Smoked Turkey
4x11: Project Runaway 
4x12: O Holly Night

90210 4° SERIE (Sub Ita)

4x01: Up In Smoke
4x02: Rush It Our 
4x03: Greek Tragedy
4x04: Let The Games Begin
4x05: Party Politics
4x06: Benefit Of The Doubt
4x07: It's The Great Masquerade,Naomi Clark 
4x08: Vegas, Maybe 
4x09: A Thousand Words 
4x10: Smoked Turkey 
4x11: Project Runaway
4x12: O Holly Night 
4x13: Should Of Acquaintance Be Forgot
4x14: Mama Can You Hear Me  
4x15: Trust,Truth And Traffic
4x16: No Good Deed
4x17: Babes In Toyland
4x18: Blood Is Thicker Than Mud   
4x19: The Heart Will Go On
4x20: Blue Ivy  
4x21: Bride And Prejudice 
4x22: Tis Pity Proper

AKB48 Blue Rose -DiVA Ver.-

AKB48 Blue rose -DiVA ver.-

AKB48 Blue rose -DiVA ver.-type-C 宮澤佐江 秋元才加 増田有華 梅田彩佳Blue rose -DiVA ver.- 作詞:秋元康 作曲:上田晃司 編曲:松井寛どこかで 貴方を抱いた気がしてた鎖骨のかたちを ...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lunch with Bev and Veronica - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus - Week 73

Jenny Matlock

Welcome to Saturday Centus, Week 73, Mrs. Jenny Matlock's writing challenge, where participants are asked to write a PG-rated text to a given written prompt. This week Jenny has asked us to write a Dialogue story and the prompt is 'Are you seriously ordering another martini?'.

Here are Jenny's instructions:

This week we are doing a DIALOGUE story.

All dialogue. Period.

WORD COUNT - 150 WORDS PLUS THE SIX WORDS OF THE PROMPT. Total word count not to exceed 156 words.
THE PROMPT THIS WEEK IS: "Are you seriously ordering another martini?"

Here is my text:

'Hi Bev dear, thanks for coming!'

'Thanks for the invitation, Ms.Wissenmacher. What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?'

'Call me Veronica, Sweetie. Your novel. Let's look at the menu. The ham and crab-salad's simply divine.'

'I'll take the omlette.'

'What about a cocktail? I've already started one.'

'Fine. Now, what about the novel?'

'Just some minor changes. The title for one.'

Waiter, please, another drink. What's wrong with the title? '

'Death on Sunday kinda gives away the whole plot.'

'She dies on a Sunday! She's terminally ill! Thanks, another martini.'

'Pity that she dies. Death puts a damper on things. We were hoping for a sequel.'

'Look, Ms. Wissenmacher...'


'Look, she simply must die. That's her story! To change that would... Waiter, another martini!'

'Now, Beverly. You ought to...
Are you seriously ordering another martini?'.

Word count: 150 plus the six words of the prompt.
[Text Copyright 2011 Christina Wigren]

Best wishes,

P.S. This text is purely fiction. I haven't written any novel, and I never drink alcoholic beverages - ever. Here, I am really using my imagination, taking inspiration from scenes from old movies.
First Commenter:

Lovin' Life

To visit other SC-posts for Week 73, please visit this site or click on the image below:

Jenny Matlock

Friday, September 23, 2011

Tiger & Bunny - Blue Rose's Commercial : Pepsi NEX

Tiger & Bunny - Blue Rose's Commercial : Pepsi NEX

Tiger & Bunny - Blue Rose's Commercial : Pepsi NEXTiger & Bunny (タイガー&バニー) Blue Rose's Commercial - Pepsi NEX Watch in 720p ...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blue Roses - 'Coast'

Blue Roses - 'Coast'

Blue Roses - 'Coast'Check out this live session take of "Coast" by Blue Roses. The song is off their self titled debut available 07/21/09 on XL Recordings. Pre-order ...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blue Moon - Romantic Friday Writers Challenge No. 20

Picture source: Wikipedia

Picture Source: Wikipedia

Welcome to the Romantic Friday Writing Challenge, where participants share their own 300-400-word text on a given theme. This week's theme for Friday, 23rd September, Challenge No.20, is 'Blue Moon'.

(Please read last week's theme-text, 'Bouquet', first, if you have not already done that. You will understand 'Blue Moon' better if you do.)
Here is my text:

Once in a Blue Moon

They folded their wings and stepped through the door, without noticing that they had been watched. She put the vase on a table in the middle of the all-purpose room with wood-stove and built-in beds with curtains.

'Hungry, Sweetheart?' she asked as they kissed.

'Famished,' he muttered between kisses.

'I'll make oatmeal', she replied, still kissing him, and without leaving him, she waved her hand and made the stove fill a pot with water and oats, and the fire burn hotter.

'Did you do a "stone-charm"?' she inquired.

'No. Better do it now'.

Meanwhile, Carl Linnaeus had gathered his samples and wrote quick notes before mounting his horse and riding away. But after a mile, he was disturbed by the thought that he had really seen two human-like creatures that could fly with their own wings. But that goes against all known laws of nature! And he should know. He was going to write a book about the laws of nature and give names to everything in the natural world. What were these creatures?

If he went now, he might still find them. Whatever they were. They had wings like insects or birds, but bodies like humans. Being small and light, they could be birds or bats. But their faces were so beautiful; and they could speak.

They spoke Swedish, but not the same dialect as Carl. He thought that he had understood what they said, but he was beginning to doubt himself. He might be able to describe them if he saw them a second time; just to be certain that they really were winged human-like creatures and not dragonflies.

Carl turned his horse around and rode back to where he had seen them earlier. It was still fairly light, as summer evenings always are in the far north. It might be light enough to see them, if they chose to reappear.

If it had been dark, Carl might have noticed that the moon was blue. There was a soft glow where he had first seen the little man. And there he was, standing by the hut.

'Good evening,' said Carl softly, 'My name is Carl and I study plants. Who are you?'

The tiny man replied quickly, 'No one!' and in a puff of sparkling smoke, he vanished into the little house, which promptly turned into a moss-covered stone.


[Text Copyright 2011 Christina Wigren]

Word count according to WordCalc: 396 ; FCA (Full Critique Acceptable - Write whatever you like. Constructive criticism is always welcome.)

Best wishes,

This text is a piece of fiction, even though I have use some facts about an historical person, Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778), who published his first work on taxonomy called Systema Naturae in 1735, which lay the ground for modern binomial nomenclature
, giving everything in nature two names and a place in the greater scheme of things.

Please read last week's theme-text, 'Bouquet' if you have not already done that. You will understand 'Blue Moon' better if you do.

More interesting reading: About älvor, if you can read Swedish; and articles in English about pixies and fairies. Each of these terms represents different traditions that are not necessarily interchangeable.

Picture source: Wikipedia

Thanks for reading!

First Commenter:

Adura Ojo
Adura Ojo Presents

To read more texts for 'Blue Moon', Romantic Friday Writers Challenge No. 20, Friday 23rd September, please go to this site or click on the image below:


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