
Saturday, January 30, 2010

No modem until around February 4th!

This time I am sitting at the University Library, CNB (the Norrkoping branch of the University of Linkoping). But Elisabet is with me so I can't stay long. We've had a blizzard here and got about a foot of snow in one night. I'll try to take some more recent pics than this one from before Christmas, but it is bitter cold. Minus 19 degrees Celsius at nine AM.

Hugs and thanks to everyone who has stopped by to check on me.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Still blogging at the public library!

Hopefully I will get my modem repaired and returned to me tomorrow. I apologise to everyone who advertises on my blog with out any new content to get readers interested in visiting. But I have not been idle. I have been working on making jewellery! My first posts will be about new pieses of jewellery that I would like to get some feed back on before listing them in my shop!
Best wishes
Working at the library means that I am borrowing a computer and do not have access to new photos. This is why I have "recycled" older pics to have something for "LinkWithin" to latch onto.

Friday, January 22, 2010

FRINGE 2° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Megavideo)

2x01: A New Day In The Old Town
2x02: Night Of Desirable Object
2x03: Fracture
2x04: Momentum Deferred
2x05: Dream Logic
2x06: Earthling
2x07: Of Human Action
2x08: August
2x09: Snakehead
2x10: Grey Matters
2x11: Unearthed
2x12: Johari Window
2x13: What Lies Below
2x14: The Bishop Revival 
2x15: Jacksonville 
2x16: Peter 
2x17: Olivia In The Lab With The Revolver 
2x18: White Tulip
2x19: The Man From The Other Side  
2x20: Brown Betty
2x21: Northwest Passage 
2x22: Over There (1° Parte)
2x23: Over There (2° Parte) 

Still offline!

It's Friday, January 22nd, and I am still not connected! I am writing this at the public library again and don't have much time.It may take until sometimew next week to get my modem back!

Thank you all who havbe stopped by and left comments! Hugs to you all!!

Best wishes


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


6x01_6x02: Cordoglio_Addio  
6x03: Qualcuno Mi Osserva 
6x04: Obblighi Forzati 
6x05: Invasione 
6x06: Ho Visto Ciò Che Ho Visto
6x07: Diamo Una Possibilità Alla Pace
6x08: Rischiare Per Amore 
6x09: Nuova Storia
6x10: Conciati Per Le Feste 
6x11: Cambiamenti 
6x12: Mi Piaci Di Più Quando Sei Te Stessa
6x13: Amore E Fiducia 
6x14: Il Massacro Del Giorno Di San Valentino 
6x15: Come Eravamo
6x16: Succede Tutto Per Caso
6x17: La Scalata  
6x18: Morire Non è Facile
6x19: I Mestieri Del Genitore  
6x20: Amo, Lenza E Peccatore
6x21: Il Giorno Della Sensibilità  
6x22: Persone Felice
6x23: Santuario  
6x24: Vivere o Morire

MERLIN 2° SERIE (Megavideo)

2x01: La Maledizione Di Cornelius Sigan
2x02: La Regina Del Passato E Del Futuro
2x03: L'Incubo Inizia
2x04: Lancillotto E Ginevra
2x05: La Bella E La Bestia (1° Parte) 
2x06: La Bella E La Bestia (2° Parte)
2x07: Il Cacciatore Di Streghe 
2x08: Le Colpe Del Padre
2x09: La Signora Del Lago
2x10: Sogni D'Oro
2x11: Morgana La Strega
2x12: I Fuochi Di Idirsholas 
2x13: L'Ultimo Signore Dei Draghi

HEROES 4° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Megavideo)

4x01_4x02: Orientation_Jump, Push, Fall
4x03: Ink
4x04: Acceptance
4x05: Hysterical Blindness
4x06: Tabula Rasa
4x07: Strange Attractors
4x08: Once Upon A Time In Texas
4x09: Shadowboxing
4x10: Brother's Keeper
4x11: Thanksgiving
4x12: The Fifth Stage
4x13: Upon This Rock
4x14: Let It Bleed
4x15: Close To You 
4x16: Pass Fail 
4x17: The Art Of Deception
4x18: The Wall 
4x19: Brave New World

CHUCK 3° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Megavideo)

3x01: Chuck Vs The Pink Slip
3x02: Chuck Vs The Three Words
3x03: Chuck Vs The Angel Of Death
3x04: Chuck Vs Operation Awesome
3x05: Chuck Vs First Class
3x06: Chuck Vs The Nacho Sample 
3x07: Chuck Vs The Mask 
3x08: Chuck Vs The Fake Name 
3x09: Chuck Vs The Beard 
3x10: Chuck Vs The Tic Tac 
3x11: Chuck Vs The Final Exam 
3x12: Chuck Vs The American Hero
3x13: Chuck Vs The Other Guy 
3x14: Chuck Vs The Honeymooners  
3x15: Chuck Vs The Role Models
3x16: Chuck Vs The Tooth  
3x17: Chuck Vs The Living Death
3x18: Chuck Vs The Subway  
3x19: Chuck Vs The Ring Part II

Sunday, January 17, 2010

OFFLINE from January 7th to 17th - My modem suddenly died!!

I apoligise for not getting the English-transaltion about the cat shelter up.

My modem suddenly stopped working and I have been offline for ten days. I am sitting at the public library trying to catch up. If any of you had your ad on my widget during the 11th to the 15th of January, please let me know in a comment, and I will give you an extra thank-you-link.

Best wishes,


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Snow-landscape

The view from our house: A snowy landscape!

Happy Wordlessness!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Random Tuesday Thoughts: Not Finished with Christmas - Part One


Not Finished with Christmas - Part One

As I mentioned yesterday, I'm not finished with Christmas. Some of you may recall that just before Christmas, I lamented over the fact that we were not going to have a Christmas tree for the children, Erik, eight years old and Elisabet, only five. It was not my choice. We own forest. We usually can go out to our own forest and cut down our own Christmas tree. But this year my husband, T said no, without giving any real explaination. "It's too much work; it makes such a mess..." Yeah, well "too much work for whom?" I might ask? Who usually puts it up and takes it down?
In order to have something Christmassy on my blog, I posted some pics from a couple years ago that showed our lastest/last(?) Christmas tree. (Everybody looked two years younger too.) Some visiters to my blog even thought that I was posting this year's Christmas tree. Well, if you are in a hurry and don't have time to read the captions, it is easy to assume that. But now, I can finally tell you what actually happened this year (er, I mean for Christmas 2009).

I decided that I really did want to have a Christmas tree this year. The children are still children, and they grow up so quickly. But how was I to do it? It was already the morning of Christmas Eve.

Traditionally, there is a lot of folklore associated with Christmas Eve. And Sweden is no exception: This is the one time of year that animals can speak and that the dead are allowed to have their own church services. There is an atmosphere of anticipation in the air; but even calm. What needs to be done is already done.

Or no! Suddenly, it was discovered that we needed more milk! All the grocery stores are closed on Christmas Day and only open for a few hours on Christmas Eve! We need at least four liters! Is there anything else? "There isn't any baked beans at home!" was T's thought on the matter. I thought of all the things that I could not afford to buy when the children and I were out last-minute-shopping the day before. And the Christmas presents for the children that did not get bought because they were with me.

It was decided by T that it was my turn to go out and get these items and that he would even give me some money to do it. I did not protest. This was my chance to perhaps do something more for the children. Here was a rare opportunity to be out, without having the children with me. I would be an idiot not to do this.

But it was not easy leaving the house. It never is. I received a barage of hugs and kisses from five year old Elisabet, as if I were to be away several weeks. (I made a mental note to cherish this. There will come time in the future when I will wish for these moments again; when Elisabet, the little girl, has become a teen or a young woman who has another kind of attitude toward her mother.) I had to go before the store closes and it was already almost eleven o'clock. I closed the front door behind me. There was no going back. But as soon as I step out on the porch, I regretted not taking my camera with me. You never know. I might see something.

With a huge broom, I brushed easily away the powdery snow from the cement steps. Yes. I will regret not taking the camera along. Resigned to my mistake, I proceeded to the bicycle-room behind the garage. I don't think I should ride a bike. But four liters of milk is heavy to carry. I'll take the folding stroller. We call it the umbrella. But as everything we own that is for babies or young children, it is either bought used or worn out. The plastic footrest broke and to prevent Elisabet from dangling and draging her feet along the surface of the ground, I replaced it with a very broad (three inches?) suitcase strap with a quick-snap lock. But since it was rather long, I hade to weave it several times around the legs of the little portable pram. It doesn't look very stylish, but it works. So I'm off to buy milk!

It was snowing and about 5 degrees Celsius. Perfect temperature for fluffy snow!
It was clean, pure and white. It fell softly and made everything quiet. The white snow brighten the otherwise gloomy time of year. All outside objects were covered in white and made "magical". The naked branches of the trees became a canopy of white lace over the promenade that makes Norrkoping a kind of Paris in miniature. I was not alone. Maybe I looked like a scare crow with my unkept clothing and my childless broken baby buggy. There was an air of light-headed happiness and quiet friendliness among passers-by on my way. As if everyone there who met my eyes, smiled.

Part Two to be posted soon!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolutions? I'm not finished with Christmas yet!

Most bloggers have already written their New Year's resolutions by now. I am not really finished with Christmas! I got a cold yesterday and am sitting here with soggy paper tissues trying to keep my running nose from dropping over the keyboard while I write.

There are lots of things to write about. I have about three to four unfinished texts that I could post, but they're not ready yet. I'll have to write at least one more post about Christmas before I'm done.

I have been thinking about the cats at Katthemmet Kompis who endured first a fire and then cold winter weather when they ran away. Amazingly a few of these cats have been found after several days of wandering about in the woods. I would like to praise the fire-fighters and the people who take care of these shelter cats for their efforts in rescuing them. Nybro is several hours away from where we live. I can't drive a car filled with cat food and other supplies that they have listed on their website, even if that is exactly what I wish that I could do. All I can do is send a donation to their plusgiro account (pg konto):
35 74 82-9 and wish them well.

I have not yet figured out how money can be sent to this Swedish cat shelter from other countries. I wish that everyone outside of Sweden who wished to send a small donation, could do this without having transfer-fees costing too much. If anyone has any suggestions about how this could be done, please leave a comment here.

They are having auctions on Tradera (Swedish Ebay). Maybe I should sell some pieces of jewellery there or in my Etsy-shop for the benefit of the surviving cats of Katthemmet Kompis? Does anyone have experience with charity work that can advise me?
Thank you,

nablo.sat.1109.120x200-I+did+it!.jpg (120×199)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

This week with EntreCard: Thank you for advertising !

Thank you for advertising on my widget 27 December 2009 - 3 January 2010:

Sunday 27 December - Shopping
Monday 28 December - Bakatsuki Fashion And Costume
Tuesday 29 December - Gemma Stothard - My Art My Way
Wednesday 30 December - Coming Back to Life
Thursday 31 December - God's Best Gift
Friday 1 January - Parents Times
Saturday 2 January - Life's Tricky Situations
Sunday 3 January - Take a coffee break...sip slowly...

Best wishes

Friday, January 1, 2010

PhotoHunt Theme # 194 "Lick"

This week's PhotoHunt Theme is "Lick". I was hoping to get a shot of Cajsa Cat licking water running from the tap in the bathroom.

But the best I could do is her licking water from a little blue cup. Taking pictures of your pets takes time and patience. I admire those who really can do this well!
Happy Weekend!

If you live in Sweden, please read yesterday's post about the fire at Katthemmet Kompis outside of Nybro. Many cats died, but those who survived need food and other supplies.
Om Ni bor i Sverige, vänligen ta en titt på gårdagens inlägg om branden på Katthemmet Kompis utanför Nybro. De behöver hjälp. Tack!

ALERT To Cat-Lovers in Sweden-A Shelter has burned down outside of Nybro

To all my English-speaking friends. I am using Anna's blog as a megaphone to reach as many people in Sweden I can. Please forgive me for writing this post in Swedish. I need to reach people who can help out.
To cat lovers living near Nybro, Sweden. A cat shelter has been destroyed by fire today. January first.

Till alla som älskar katter och bor nära Nybro i Småland. Katthemmet Kompis brann ner idag, första januari 2010.

De behöver hjälp, pengar och kattmat:
Katthemmet Kompis har brunnit ner

Katthemmet Kompis brann i natt ner till grunden. Brandkåren är fortfarande där. Många katter är räddade, några sprang ut i skogen. Vi vet fortfarande inte hur många som omkom i branden. Hela vårt stora matförråd brann ner, så vi är i stort behov av mat. Orsaken till branden är fortfarande oklar.

Vi gråter och är väldigt chockade!

Har ni möjlighet att skänka kattmat, sand, pengar m.m. till oss så maila mig.

Vill ni skänka en valfri slant så är vi väldigt tacksamma. Inga pengar är för små eller för stora. PG-konto: 35 74 82-9

Vi är tacksamma för allt stöd! Maritha och Sonny tar dock inte emot några telefonsamtal.

/Jenny, Katthemmet Kompis

Vår medarbetare Mia samlar just nu på sig kattmat som ska förmedlas till katthemmet, maila mig så skickar jag hennes nummer. Kattmat kan också lämnas till följande butiker där vi har fodertunnor:

Arken, Nygatan 10, 361 30 Emmaboda
Coop Extra, Stora Nygatan 6, 382 30 Nybro
DjurMagazinet, Norra vägen 2, 382 30 Nybro
Nybro Zoo, Garvare Nybergsg. 2, 382 30 Nybro
Willys, Torget, 382 30 Nybro
Thank you for letting me post this./Tack för att jag fick göra det här inlägget.


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