
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Top EC-droppers i October!

Thank you!

BeadedTail : Pets, jewelry, travel and fun!

These sites are my top ten EC-droppers for the month of October 2009. If you haven't visited these fine sites before, just click on their names. I am not showing anyone's widget-pictures this time, because I can't seem to get a picture from the month of October's number one top dropper, Beaded Tail. So today's photo is just one of little Elisabet with a bouquet of roses to give this post a picture to follow in the "LinkWithin".

I apologise to everyone who regularly drops on my blog. Thank you for dropping in spite of putting your blog at risk during an unknown number of days, when my blog was under attack by hackers. I would like to especially thank Jean's Musings and Seek No More for sending messages and warning me of this danger and suggesting remedies. I am now using a computor that has protection, while my other computor is being repaired.
I have a lot to learn about the nuts and bolts of blogging and am grateful to other bloggers who take the time to show me the ropes.
Thank you all so much!

Saturday's PhotoHunt Theme #185 "Bags"

This week's PhotoHunt theme is "Bags".

Here are two bags of candy that Erik and Elisabet received on Halloween.

And here is Erik in his pirate costume for Halloween!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

We play princess while we are thinking about Halloween costumes. This is one of several crowns made of plastic beads that I made for Elisabet.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday's PhotoHunt Theme #184 "Tied"

This week's PhotoHunt theme is "Tied". This is a rag-rug woven by a good friend of mine, Boyan Carlsson, who lived in Lunger, outside of Arboga, Sweden.

We have many of her handwoven rag-rugs in our home.
They are all finished with knots that are tied.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Catching up with unfinished business: the give-away-winner

The winner of Anna's necklace-give-away from the 18th of september is Jackie@3littleones. But everyone who left a comment before the close of the contest will be able to purchase a necklace from parltradet, one of Anna's online shops, with a 20% discount off the list price and half off on the cost of shipping. Congratulations to Jackie, the winner of the necklace, and to all who will recieve a discount in my shop if they wish to purchase a necklace of their choice:

Del Alfonso

(This offer lasts only until November 30, 2009. I will e-mail everyone about how to order his or her necklace in order to get the right discount. You can already start looking at the shop, but please wait for instructions before ordering.)
Best wishes from Anna

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

BONES 5° SERIE (Sub Ita) (Link Megaupload)

5x01: Harbingers In The Fountain
5x02: The Bond In The Boot
5x03: The Plain In The Prodigy
5x04: Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood
5x05: A Night At The Bones
5x06: The Toughman In The Tender Chicken
5x07: The Dwarf In The Dirt
5x08: The Foot In The Foreclosure
5x09: The Gamer In The Grease
5x10: The Goop On The Girl

5x11: The X In The File 
5x12: The Proof In The Pudding
5x13: The Dentist In The Ditch  
5x14: The Devil In The Details
5x15: The Bones On The Blue Line 
5x16: The Parts In The Sum Of The Whole
5x17: The Death Of The Queen Bee  
5x18: The Predator In The Pool
5x19: The Rocker In The Rinse Cycle 
5x20: The Witch In The Wardrobe
5x21: The Boy With The Answer 
5x22: The Beginning In The End 

Some of the last flowers blooming before the final killer frost

As I have mentioned several times before, we have a lovely garden.

But I am always finding interesting plants along our neighbors' fence.

These bright red-orange flowers looked like this about a week or so ago. I don't know what they are called. If anyone can tell me what their name is in English, Latin or Swedish, I would be very grateful. According to Jakill from Jean's Musings, these flowers are nasturtiums. (Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me! Best wishes from Anna on October 14th 2009)

Yes they were this bright! I will miss the lovely greens and bright reds, oranges and pinks of spring and summer.

On the other hand, I can make jewellery as cheery as summer-flowers all fall and winter.

Please come visit again and see!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Welcome home Calle Cat! (CC meme # 79)

Calle Cat has spent the entire summer hunting and living like a wild-cat on the farm. But now that the weather has gotten cooler he is happy to come home to us in town.
This post is probably too late to be in the Camera Critter-meme #79, but for what it's worth I have a link to their page. I did not know that Calle would come home to us until I saw his wonderful orange-tabby furry self greet me when I came home from work.
Welcome home Calle! We've missed you!

Camera Critters

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thanks to the top ten EC-droppers for September!


Three Fates Design?

Duck and Wheel with String


Special thanks to Daisy the curly Cat for all her help and encouragement and even computer-technical help through chats, comments and e-mails. Thanks also to Clara Drummond of Coming Back to Life for computer-technical help with my button/badge that I hope to get into working order today.
If you haven't visited these fine sites, click on their names and check them out!


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