
Monday, September 28, 2009

Results of the blog-poll:

A couple of weeks ago I posted a poll on my sidebar asking readers/viewers about my blog. Here is the question and the muliple-choice-list of possible answers:

Which feature(s) would you like to see more of?
1 - Anna's handmade jewellery. Show more detailed photos.
2 - Tutorials that show step-by-step how to make a piece of jewellery.
3 - Personal stories that are not necessarily about jewellery.
4 - The history of jewellery-making.
5 - Connect "sources of inspiration" with results, i.e. show jewellery with source.
6 - What the children do: their drawings and jewellery.
7 - From my sketchbook. thumbnails that become jewellery.

Only three readers voted. But I am very grateful to these people, whoever they are.The results of the poll shows that I should do more with jewellery and get back on course. More specifically, feature number two (2) "Tutorials that show step-by-step how to make a piece of jewellery." got two votes, and feature number seven (7) "From my sketchbook. thumbnails that become jewellery." got one vote.
I am taking these results to heart and will start showing tutorials and the process from sketches to finished piece.
Thank you again, whoever you are!

24 7° SERIE

7x01: 08 - 09
7x02: 09 - 10
7x03: 10 - 11
7x04: 11 - 12
7x05: 12 - 13
7x06: 13 - 14
7x07: 14 - 15
7x08: 15 - 16
7x09: 16 - 17
7x10: 17 - 18
7x11: 18 - 19
7x12: 19 - 20
7x13: 20 - 21
7x14: 21 - 22
7x15: 22 - 23
7x16: 23 - 24
7x17: 00 - 01
7x18: 01 - 02
7x19: 02 - 03
7x20: 03 - 04
7x21: 04 - 05
7x22: 05 - 06
7x23: 06 - 07
7x24: 07 - 08

Saturday, September 26, 2009

PhotoHunt-theme # 180: "Twisted"

For today's PhotoHunt-theme, TWISTED, I decided to use objects that are related to jewellery-making. Thus the twisted strands of glass and semi-precious stone beads are my solution to this theme-challenge.

It was like being on the dark side of the moon

I have not been able to get online for a couple of days. That is why I have not dropped EC cards or left comments on anyone else's blog. I hope to be back in a few hours after reloading all my programs.
Please note that the Give-away contest is now closed. I will announce the winner shortly,